Your music,
your stats,
your story.

Enter a new dimension of music by getting unique insights into your music taste.

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Desktop Mobile

Easy, extensive and secure

With the click of a button, you'll be logged into your account, instantly gaining access to a valhalla of cool stats and insights

Safe & secure

We prioritize privacy and security. We only store the data we need to store to provide you with a magical experience, and all data is stored securely.

Enhanced personalized stats

Thanks to state of the art algorithms you'll always be welcomed with relevant, advanced and personalized stats for each item you click on.

Top tracks, artists and albums at a glance*

Many users love checking their top lists here—it's a magical experience. You can organize lists by playtime, stream count, or use provided ordering methods from connected services.

Import your lifetime history*

Take advantage of our unique import process to bring in your complete streaming history and unleash a wave of fantastic features. Believe us, it's really cool!

* import of streaming history may be required to unlock (part of) this feature

Total stats currently unavailable

Connect with your friends

It's as easy as sharing a link to your profile to share your stats with friends.

Send friend requests to your friends and if your friends' privacy settings allow it you'll be able to check their stats anytime.

Check out an example page

Full control over your data

Don't want to share part of your stats/profile? Use the privacy settings to select which parts of your profile you want to share with others.

Want us to delete all your data? No problem, you can do that anytime in your account settings.

Download today and start your journey

Available on Android & iOS
